

At Sound Reading Foundations we work with students who:

Many students say they hate to read, and that's what we're here to fix! Your student will benefit from direct systematic instruction, using elements from a variety of research based, multi-sensory, remedial techniques.

Sessions are playful. We use games and story telling, in addition to traditional spelling and reading. In most situations, parents will join our sessions and reinforce our lessons at home. Parent involvement means quicker progress, deeper learning.

The pace is determined by the student. We move through material as fast as he or she is able. This is determined by home practice and how much repetition of a particular concept the student needs. Student motivation is an important factor that needs to be nurtured and attended to. That "buy-in" is essential for any child's success.

We may use many words to describe students as they gain tools, skills and confidence to help them become more successful in their world. Here are a few that may characterize the process: they grow, progress, mature, blossom, evolve, etc. Whatever occurs, each student has his or her own time line of evolution towards the great adults they will all become.

A former parent proudly wrote me recently about her daughter's high school graduation. She included the following quote which was a favorite of her daughter: "Reach for the moon, if you do not get it, you will still be among the stars!"

To become happy, successful adults, or stars, is what we want for all children.